"I would like to express my gratitude for the SHER programme support. This strategic partnership perfectly aligns with our mission, vision, and strategic priorities."
Signing Ceremony of MoU between UUHP & SHER
SHER Programme supports University of Prishtina in reforming key regulations
MoU signing ceremony between UPCO Institute and SHER Programme
SHER Programme Supports the implementation of the Performance-Based Funding Agreement
SHER Programme continues to provide support University ‘Ukshin Hoti’ in Prizren on the development of the Strategic Plan 2025-2029
The programme “Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo (SHER)” aims at contributing to a sustainable, evidence-based, needs-oriented and gender-responsive Higher Education and Research sector in Kosovo that is in line with the principles of European Higher Education Area (EHEA), European Research Area (ERA) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
This intervention is organized on three levels, namely the policy level, university level and research level. Project outputs of the intervention at each level are as follows:
Enhanced skills and competences of MESTI staff in charge of Higher Education (HE) and Research for effectively developing and implementing policies and laws along European standards in HE and research including performance-based funding. Enhanced skills and competences of KAA staff in addressing the requirements for regaining full membership in ENQA and EQAR.
Capacities developed for enhanced good governance, labour-market relevant education and the promotion of the 3rd mission at Kosovo’s public universities. Capacities developed for the implementation of performance-based funding and internal quality assurance systems.
Capacities developed for enhanced quality of teaching, research & innovation, implementation of the National Research Programme and the internationalisation/Europeanisation of its HE and research system.
"I would like to express my gratitude for the SHER programme support. This strategic partnership perfectly aligns with our mission, vision, and strategic priorities."
Signing Ceremony of MoU between UUHP & SHER
“Our collaboration with SHER has been instrumental in advancing the goals of our institution. I am confident that it will continue to promote long-term development for our institution and beyond.”
Signing Ceremony of MoU between UFAGj & SHER
“In advancing our academic and research goals, SHER Programme will be an essential partner which will support and enhance our efforts.”
Signing Ceremony of MoU between UIBM & SHER
“The long-standing partnership between UHZ and SHER has been of the utmost importance, and we are truly appreciative of the opportunities and resources provided ahead. “
Signing Ceremony of MoU between UHZ & SHER
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Zentrum für Soziale Innovation
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E-mail: institut@zsi.at
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