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SHER international experts meet with key stakeholders


On 2 October 2024, representatives from our implementing consortium partners engaged in productive meetings with key stakeholders in the Kosova.

In this context, Ms. Elke Dall from Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) met with Ms. Myzafere Limani, Chairwoman of the   National Science Council, as well as with Mr. Avni Hajdari, Vice-rector for Scientific Research, Projects and Innovation from University of Prishtina. Whereas Ms. Martina Friedrich from Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) met with Erasmus+ Office in Kosova. These meetings included discussions about the support SHER may offer the respective institutions as well as cooperative initiatives that will propel the program ahead.

SHER Programme looks forward to the strong partnerships being built and the collective efforts that will contribute to a more sustainable and impactful higher education landscape in Kosovo.

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