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Information sessions on the Social Dimension Small Grants scheme


During February, the SHER program successfully facilitated a series of successful information sessions on the Social Dimension Small Grants scheme.

Led by the SHER team, including Ms. Donjeta Ibra, Office Manager, Ms. Shqiponjë Kodraliu, Programme Officer and Ms.Fatima Krujezi, Programme Asisstant, the sessions provided participants with a comprehensive overview of the grant guidelines, eligibility criteria, application requirements, and both financial and administrative procedures. Additionally, they shared inspiring success stories from previous calls, offering valuable insights and best practices for prospective applicants.

The information sessions were held at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, at the University ‘Fehmi Agani’ in Gjakova and the University ‘Ukshin Hoti’ in Prizren, bringing together a diverse group of around 90 participants. During these engaging sessions, attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and receive direct feedback from the SHER team, ensuring they were well-prepared to support their applications.

The Social Dimension Small Grant scheme is designed to strengthen the implementation of the Social Dimension of Higher Education in Kosovo, in line with the Bologna Principles. Through this initiative, the SHER programme aims to equip applicants with the knowledge and tools to promote inclusivity and diversity in higher education. More concretely, this initiative focuses on supporting vulnerable groups overcome barriers to access, participation, and completion of higher education, while also strengthening institutions to create an environment that supports the involvement of underrepresented groups.

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